Wow so many updates, so little time. Okay well really I have all the time in the world to post my updates, but really who wants to read hours worth of whats been going on in my life?
Well here's the skinny about whats been happening in our lives.
- Rob has gone back to work (woooohoooooo)
- We went on a week long marriage retreat to a Younglife resort in Canada called Malibu
- The boys have officially made me a soccer mom (no minivan for me!)
- I'm now in week 5 of my 10 week courses, midterm week
- 4 more weeks and then I get a 3 day break from classes just to start back up again
- I am looking into a volunteer position at the JAG office here
- I have to find a legal professional to interview for my final paper for one of my classes
- The boys start school next week!!!!!!!
Ok I think thats about it for now, although I'm sure I can keep naming things! On a serious note, we had an awesome time on our retreat in Canada. I'll be posting more about it over the next few weeks, because I have so much to share.
I encourage anyone with middle school or high school kids to check out Younglife. And for those in the military, on most military installations they actually have Younglife on posts worldwide. I hope that when my kids reach middle school that they will want to get involved with Younglife. Its so much more than just being preached to about God. But I'll stop here, if you have any questions feel free to comment and I can help you find out the answers you're looking for.
Well that time has come for me to get Austin ready for soccer practice....I'll be back blogging on a regular basis from here on out.
Here are just a few pictures from our retreat
Here is the boat we rode on for 3 hours....
The group that was at Malibu before us, they were chanting...USA...USA....USA
I have so many more to post but I'll spread them out over several posts.
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