16 June 2008

It still feels like a dream

Rob has been home for almost 3 weeks and it still feels like a dream. Its like I keep expecting to wake up, and him not really be here. Its a weird feeling, sometimes my brain keeps saying don't get to close he'll just be leaving again. Yet in reality, I know this isn't true.

Things have been great so far with him home. The boys are becoming less stuck up his butt. We expected them being attached at the hip to him though, I think they keep wondering when he'll be leaving again as well.

We got all of Jonathon's pre-op appointments out of the way, now we just have to wait until Thursday to get the actual surgery time.

Oh and I have a cheese....We bought a new car over the weekend! We were driving a 2002 Dodge Ram 1500, but the gas prices were straight killing our checking account. So we went out and got a 2007 Subaru Tribeca. Ours is gold, with beige leather interior. We love it! Went out driving yesterday, and was getting 27 MPG, big difference from the Dodge, in the truck we would have only been getting 16 MPG. I have some pictures, I'll post them later.

I have been reading a lot lately. Currently I'm reading "The moment of truth in Iraq" by Micheal Yon. I really suggest this book to anyone, its a great read.