I'm a horrible blogger
So I'll admit it, I'm horrible when it comes to actually keeping up with this blog. There are so many things I want to write, but time just slips away, and I find that I neglect my blog.
I'm really trying to get better, and I promise from here on out, even if just for me and no one reads it, I'll make a post at least every other day.
I have so much to catch up on.........
Jonathon is doing well in school, had a few problems here and there, but not like before. His surgery is scheduled for the end of June, we're all excited to get it done so we can find out what is going on with his hearing.
Austin is also doing well in school, and has increased his vocabulary incredibly. Rob won't know what to think about him talking so much now.
Speaking of Rob........He'll be home before next week! I obviously can't go into to many details due to OPSEC reasons, but I'll be sure to post when he has made it home!
As for me, I'm doing well. Lost 20 pounds since November, and I really haven't even been trying. Just watching what I eat, portion control, and of course I'm very active with the boys and things. Been really busy with the FRG, and preparing for homecoming.
So there is my little update for now. I'll try and post again later tonight or tomorrow and post some recent pictures.
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