28 February 2008

I just want to give up

I really would never give up, but today, I just really felt like giving up. Out of no where, my oldest son has started having behavior problems. Only the problems are not at home, they are at school. Out of the blue, he has started refusing to do his work, crying, screaming, crawling under his desk, kicking the desk, just all around acting out.

I have been working with the teachers, principal and school counselor to try and figure out the problem, and they have been great on working with me and Jo, but we have reached a point that we have no clue why this has come about.

I made Jo an appointment to go see a counselor, so I'm really hoping that they will be able to help us sort this out.

Last night, Rob called again, and Jo talked to him for about 25 minutes, thats the most they have talked since Rob was home back in September. I was in the kitchen doing dishes and I heard Jo tell his dad that it makes him sad they he missed Christmas, and that he is missing is birthday(its on Saturday) that he'll probably miss his 1st grade graduation, and he missed his whole first year of being in Cub Scouts.

I felt really bad for Rob, Jo just really gave him a guilt trip. Yet at the same time, I know Rob understands that Jo just really needs to vent about this deployment. Which leads me to think, that although I don't think this deployment is the root of all the problems Jo is having, I think its a big part of the problem.

I stop and think how much this deployment has wore me down, and gotten the best of me on more than one occasion, I can only imagine what it does to kids, and especially mine right now. I mean I see how it effects my kids, but most times they won't open up and express what they are feeling, I on the other hand will give you an ear full if you ask me. We are only about 11 months into this deployment, with less than 5 to go, but to the kids, its still an eternity to them.

At any rate, I really hope putting Jo in counseling will help him, I feel so helpless as a mother, because I don't know what to do.


Here We Go Again said...

hi! my 9 year old was the same way. he was doing great until dad came home for R & R. when he went back he just lost it. after working with the school i took him to see a psychologist. after seeing him a few times things started to get better for my son. i think having a man to talk to helped him. see saw the psychologist for the 12 months that dad was gone and then for 3 months after dad came home. my husband leaves again soon and we are going to have our son start to see the psychologist before he leaves so we dont have any problems. i wish you luck.