I'm really doing it.....
A little over 2 years ago I was in school full time, and had a 4.0 GPA. When my father in law passed away I had to travel to Virginia for two weeks to help Rob and his step mom get everything done. Since I was gone for two weeks, I failed out of two of my classes and in the end couldn't catch up, so I ended up dropping out.
I was extremely sad about it, I really enjoyed going to school. For the past two years I've been saying I was going to go back, but timing was just never right. Well, starting next Wednesday, I will be going back to College to get my Associates in Paralegal. After I get my Associates, I hope to get a job, and then continue my education to get my bachelors. I'm doing all my classes online, so really I have no excuse not to be able to finish. When we travel, and move, I'll still be able to do my school. I'm extremely excited about this :).
We've been so busy here lately, I finally told Rob last night that I didn't know if I was coming or going. So we're taking things a bit slower. Today we haven't really done much, I've done some cleaning and laundry, and the boys have been fishing most of the day.
Last Saturday we went to a cookout that a church in a local town had to welcome home Rob's company. It was nice, the church had several dinners for the spouses while the guys were deployed. It was good to go out there, eat some good food, and actually interact with other adults.
Then on Sunday we went to the McChord Air Force Base Air Expo. We had a blast! Every time they had the Expo, we always said we wanted to go, just never did. So this year we made it a point to go. I took lots of pictures, some didn't turn out so well, but hey....I tried.
Here are a few of the pictures I took.
The boys looking at some displays
The Thunderbirds
Another picture of the Thunderbirds
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