Shall we try again? Sure why not
So yesterday I got another email from my FRG leader. Saying that Rob and I had been selected, yet again, to have a VTC. I called her and asked if it was really going to happen this time Then I emailed Rob and asked him if he was going to stand us up again. I know it really wasn't his fault, but I can still pick on him. So my FRG leader was just asking if I can make it on Saturday, and I was like yeah, I only live like 2 minutes from the VTC center, so its not like I have to go out of my way or its an inconvenience to go up there. Supposedly they are going to check and double check tomorrow that he can be there, so before I get to excited about it, I'm just going to keep the mindset that he isn't so I don't get disappointed again.
This lil guy here, is kind of what I looked like last weekend walking away from the building.
On a side note, my kids are driving me insane. My friend always says "why drive, its a short walk" HAHA. It just seems that no matter what I do, they are constantly at each other's throats. We are only a little over 4 months into this deployment and I am seriously tired of being a "single mom" yes I know I'm not, but right now it just really feels like it. I hate being the only one disciplining, bathing, putting to bed, cooking, cleaning I mean don't get me wrong, I love my kids more than anything, it would just be nice to not have to be the only one raising them 24-7.
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