14 April 2008

What a great weekend!

The boys and I made it back from Ocean Shores. We had such a great time. The reason for our trip was for a spouses retreat for spouses of deployed soldiers. The other 34 wives and I, were first group of wives to be offered a retreat in the lower 48 states, that was paid for by the Army.

The retreat itself was very nice, and the Chaplain was very informative. I loved the fact that he was straight forward when he was talking to us.

He covered many topics ranging from reintegration to commitment to his needs/her needs. The basic concept was stuff that is covered on marriage retreats, so he bounced around on certain topics. Rob's unit is planning on holding 3 marriage retreats a month starting in August and going through October, so I really hope we get the opportunity to attend one. Not that we have major problems, but it can only benefit our marriage to attend one.

Not all of our time was spent in workshops. The resort we stayed at had an indoor water park that normally isn't open this time of year, but they opened for us so the kids could have some water fun. We went walking along the beach, and even though it was really cold, I let the boys roll up their pants and play in the water a bit.

Here are a few pictures I took over the weekend.