09 April 2008

5 hours and 24 minutes later

So the the other day I was trying to open Microsoft word, but kept receiving an error message. So after playing around with troubleshooting the program, I discovered that I needed to download the service pack for 2007 Word. So I download the service, which says it will correct the problem I was having. Well it didn't help.

Yesterday I drove to Portland with my friend to pick up her kids, and after we got back, I decided to call Microsoft to get help with the problem.

I called them around 3:30 pm, and after being on the for 5 hours and 24 minutes, we have temporarily gotten Word to work, only problem now, I can't have a printer on this computer. Basically my printer spooler program rewrote itself, so we had to remove it. Rahul from Microsoft informed me that I needed to put in the original XP disk that came with my computer so we could basically restore my computer without having to lose everything I have on here. Well, after much searching, either we didn't get the disk when we bought the computer, or I have misplaced it. Really unlike me though, I still have disks from college courses I was taking 3 years ago.

So I guess for the meantime, I'm just lucky that our other desk top has the printer installed on it.
What a big head ache!