A Great Surprise.....
No Rob didn't magically appear on the doorstep today, although secretly I was wishing he would have. However, I'll settle for what I got. Rob and his guys are out at the patrol base so none of us were expecting a call. Well around 3:30 I was walking to my neighbors house when my phone rang, I figured it was just someone in Rob's family calling to tell me Happy Thanksgiving. Much to my surprise, it was Rob! I was on cloud nine. The boys got to talk to him and I put him on speaker phone so everyone could tell him happy thanksgiving and he could tell them.
It was such an awesome thing, especially since I was kind of feeling down with Rob not being here.
Speaking of Rob's family, not one of them called, not like I'm totally shocked or anything. They really haven't called in the past 8 months, not sure why I expected them to. But when I stop and think about it, its quite sad that my husband, who is umpteen thousand miles away called me, yet they couldn't? Eh....whatever.
I had planned on doing this well thought out blog about everything I am thankful for, but if you knew me, you'd know that I'm not quite that type of person. But I will share a few things I am grateful for.
• God allowed me to wake up this morning
• My kids are happy and healthy
• My dad survived his massive heart attack last year.
Without him, I would be lost
• My husband was able to call me
• My husband is healthy and thus far is unharmed
• I have a great and understanding family
• I have a great set of friends who are there for me no matter what
I have plenty more to be grateful for, but I'll share those later, after all, today isn't the only day I have to be grateful for things.
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