08 September 2007

Yup, I'm boring!

So its Saturday night, can you guess what I did tonight? I went Grocery Shopping Yup thats right! I went shopping with my neighbor and her husband, and about half way through he proceeded to say "man Amie you are really getting old, shopping on a Saturday night, welcome to the old people club" Ummm excuse me, I'm only 26, that is soooooooooo not old. But that is a way to sink me into depression! Shesh, if Rob were here we probably would have been hanging out at home, or would have taken the boys to dinner or something, anything aside from grocery shopping.

This weekend really hasn't been that bad, however I am bouncing off the walls! Well not really, that would hurt, and the last thing I want to do is spend umpteen hours in the ER for a broken bone or something. Before this month is over, I will have my husband in my arms! I am beyond ecstatic! Of course its the Army, and we don't have an exact date just yet, but its getting close! Very close!

This afternoon, I went with my neighbor and her family to her uncles cookout. We had a good time. Her uncle is in a band, so there was live music, good food, and some cool people. The boys were excited as well, they had horses and dogs, and a go cart thing that I got stuck driving with about 8 kids sitting in the back.

Tomorrow I am going back to my neighbors(can you tell I spend quite a bit of time there? Yeah they keep me company while Rob is gone) and we are grilling out and she is making a cake, because tomorrow is her youngest sons birthday.

Speaking of birthdays, my friend got me an ice cream maker! I was totally stoked when she gave it to me! Also, tomorrow when she makes the cake, she is putting my name on it as well...I told her I wanted my own cake, but nooooooo, I have to share a cake with her son. I'm totally kidding, well not about the sharing the cake thing, but I really didn't want my own.

Then on Monday, Austin(my youngest son) starts school. Jonathon(my oldest) started last Wednesday. I will have a whole two and half hours all to myself each day And for the next few weeks until Rob gets home, I will be using that time to clean, clean, and clean some more to get everything ready for him.

I've been trying to do things to keep the boys and I busy, so on Tuesday we are going to do the Freedom Walk. I am really excited about participating in this, and I really think the boys and I will enjoy ourselves.

Lately, its been all about keeping the boys and I occupied for the next couple weeks till daddy gets home, but I'm really not used to all this running, and sometimes feel like I'm running us ragged. At least, we are having a good time, and doing stuff for good causes.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE when I can go grocery shopping late on a saturday night. It seems when I go on a day when the kids are in school, all the other SAHMS are out doing their errands! Late at night is the best time! The kids are usually in bed at 8 so thats when I go, and then they arent going through all the bags as I come in the door!

Shelly said...

Not boring, just using your time wisely. Hey 2 cookouts, a birthday celebration and a freedom walk. Sounds like you are trying to keep you and the kids busy. by the way I love shopping in the evening.

Jessica Morris said...

woohoo!! So happy for you that your hubby will be with you soon!! YAYAYAYAY!!